Revolutionize Your
Relationship With Time

I help moms and entrepreneurs take control of their time so they can balance motherhood and their professional life, and be great at both.

(without feeling mom guilt or compromising on their well-being)


Revolutionize Your
Relationship With Time

I help moms and entrepreneurs take control of their time so they can balance motherhood and their professional life - and be great at both.

(without feeling mom guilt or compromising on their well-being)

You’re a smart, successful,

accomplished mom and entrepreneur.

You’ve got beautiful aspirations for your family and business,

but you feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions.


You’re overwhelmed and anxious with the to-dos but also excited about the possibilities.

You feel conflicted about where to place your attention.

One of the reasons you chose to be an entrepreneur is the freedom it promises, but now you’re checking your phone under the table at dinner.

You no longer feel present for your kids,

and you’re feeling guilty about not spending more time with them.

You’re being short and grumpy with your partner and miss having fun, quality time together.

You feel like time is always running out. With just a little more, you could tackle that one project in the back of your mind that would make your business soar.

Your wellness is on the back burner.

If you keep going like this

you'll either burn out or burn down what you've worked so hard to build.

My clients come to me frustrated and at their wits' end. They've stayed up later, worked harder, tried business coaches, worked weekends, hired help, taken time-management courses, read every book on the subject...and none of it has worked long term.

That’s because these methods are temporary fixes, not foundational and sustainable shifts.

If you don’t get to the root cause, then you’ll never find the lasting solution.


Ways To Work With Me

1:1 Coaching

1:1 Coaching: Time Power™ is a one-on-one virtual training and support coaching program that provides the essential tools and shortcuts used by successful, busy entrepreneurs to avoid overwhelm and tame chaos, allowing them to regain control of their time. In these virtual coaching sessions, participants are shown how to make lasting, sustainable shifts that will achieve the work-life balance they crave, ensuring their personal and business lives flourish together.

Speaking Engagements and  Workshops

Elevate your next event with a dynamic speaking engagement led by a seasoned Time Strategist and Productivity Consultant.

Time Power talks, masterclasses, and workshops are designed to provide impactful, content offering strategies to shift your mindset and improve your time management. Each session is interactive and includes: lecture-style content, audience engagement, sharing, and Q&A.

Online Course

The Time Power™ Mindset Self-Paced Course is designed to help busy entrepreneurs take control of their schedules and make the most of their time. This comprehensive course teaches how to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and delegate effectively, while discovering how to eliminate time-wasting habits and work more efficiently, so they can have more time for their loved ones.


Almost every entrepreneur and professional knows they should be delegating non-strategic, yet very important tasks in order to free up their time, but many are not sure where to start, what the options are for hiring, and where to find great personnel. That’s where we come in. Partnering with an expert-level virtual assistant will allow you to take those time consuming tasks off your to-do list and focus on those tasks that you enjoy doing while moving forward in your business.


Time is a Gift

As an entrepreneur and mom, I know that you are beyond busy. That’s why I’ve consolidated my 20 years of professional productivity, systems, and efficiency training into a simple method that helps you regain control of your time for good.


Here are the outcomes of our work together:


Map out all your goals, to-dos, projects, and wishes to clear your head, maintain an overview, get an idea of where you can delegate, and make time for what matters to you most.


Organize your calendar and project management tools in a way that streamlines your tasks and activities and is easy to manage and maintain.


Reconnect to your gratitude for motherhood, family, a successful business, and the freedom the entrepreneurial path offers you.


Give your full attention to every moment with the confidence and trust that your time systems and methods have your back.


Integrate well-being — daily walks, quiet or creative time, massages — into your schedule in a way that doesn’t compromise your family or business time.


Create space for personal and business growth with the tools and resources that increase your productivity in both arenas.


As Featured In:

Client Success

“Jaimee's key messages motivated me to seek her help, and it was the right choice. I had felt overwhelmed and out of control with my time, impacting my productivity and well-being.

During the program, I learned to own my time by prioritizing and scheduling effectively. This realization, along with practical exercises, was empowering. I've reduced my stress by planning around my natural rhythms.

Jaimee's insightful and non-judgmental approach allowed me to be honest about my challenges. Her supportive guidance made a significant impact on my journey.”

Daniela Labra | Director at AtentaMente Consultores AC

"Jaimee’s tools and approach to time management have been incredibly helpful. With her coaching, it feels like I have more than 24 hours in a day. Her methods have allowed me to get my schedule in order, prioritize what really matters, and finally feel in control of my time which I never thought was possible. Jaimee’s dedication and expertise have truly changed the way I handle my time and set my goals. She offers practical advice and real-world solutions that make a big difference. Jaimee is definitely one of the top five people I’ve worked with, and I’d jump at the chance to work with her again. Her insights and strategies are invaluable. Jaimee is not just a coach; she’s a game-changer."

Monica Silva Gutierrez Chief of Staff, Google

“Through Jaimee´s program, I discovered the power of structuring time, setting boundaries, and using tools like Asana to streamline workflow. Before joining the Time Power Program, I was drowning in chaos, feeling powerless and overwhelmed as an entrepreneur and parent. Work invaded precious moments with my kids, and the fear of burning out haunted me constantly. But I've transformed from being tied to my to-do list to mastering it. With clear schedules and designated time blocks, I'm fully present with my family and achieving professional goals. Jaimee's personalized guidance unlocked my potential, deepening bonds with my children while thriving personally and professionally..”

Min Kwon |  Registered Dietitian

“I worked with Jaimee doing a time and energy audit and it was SO helpful for me! Jaimee is so great at working with where you´re at and accommodating whatever chapter of life you´re in. I work part-time and am mothering a young child and she was able to help me set up time blocks and a schedule that works for both my personal and professional life. I am feeling much more at ease with my schedule since working with Jaimee and her services are definitely worth the investment. I highly recommend!

Amanda Kingsmith | Yoga Business Coach

Not Sure Where to Start?

Book a Free Consultation Call

The purpose of our 30-minute free consultation call is to understand your current challenges and needs related to time management and productivity. We’ll explore how you can start creating work-life balance right away (even if it seems like an impossible dream right now).

 “When you take control of your time, your life is gold.”